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Winchester .410 US4 14g 25st/ask

Dedicated .410 Bore hunters will be delighted with this 250 round case from Winchester! This shotshell profile measures 2-1/2 inches in length which makes it compatible with compact models of the Taurus Judge and S&W Governor for snake-charming duty. Each round contains half an ounce of #4 sized lead shot which is appropriate for taking squirrels, rabbits, and doves when fired from a shotgun barrel of typical length. Winchester makes these shells using moisture-resistant hulls, clean-burning power and primers, and one-piece hinged wads.

This particular wad is crushed during the firing process in order to absorb some energy which reduces felt recoil and protects the shot pellets from flat-spotting. Pellets with flattened sides are more likely to fly erratically off of their patterns and may not penetrate adequately into game animals. Buying in large quantities with this bulk pack ensures that you'll have plenty of rounds for numerous practice sessions and early-morning hunts to come. Winchester has over 150 years of experience in providing high quality ammunition to the American shooting public. Their die-hard classic designs and modern innovations cover a wide spectrum of needs for any type of sportsman.

Winchester .410 US4 14g 25st/ask

345 SEK

Beställningsformulär - ammunition - OBS FRI FRAKT GÄLLER EJ AMMUNITION

(OBS - När du bifogar bild på din licens se till att filstorleken inte är större än 2MB) OBS: p.g.a. högt tryck upplever vi tekniska problem med formuläret. Mejla gärna direkt till joakim@fritidvildmark.se och gör din order. Fraktvillkor Ammunition - Vikt inklusive emballage. 0-1kg 220kr - 1-3kg 250kr - 3-10kg 290kr - 10-20kg 370kr - Order över 20kg enligt offert - Tack för att du väljer Fritid & Vildmark

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